Mei Feng/冯梅
    Research Professor

    Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS)/中国地质科学院
    Beijing 100081
    P. R. China

ORCID: 0000-0002-8673-4763
        (My old email,, was invalid from Sept. 2013)


  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, 2000, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China
  • Ph.D., Geophysics, 2004, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Professional service:
  • Research Professor, 2017-present, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS).
  • Research Professor, 2014-2017, Institute of Geomechanics, CAGS.
  • Associate Research Professor, 2008-2013, Institute of Geomechanics, CAGS.
  • Assistant Research Professor, 2005-2008, Institute of Geomechanics, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS).
  • Teaching assistant in Geophysics, 2002-2003, University of São Paulo.
Main research fields:
  • Seismic imaging of regional upper-mantle structures by surface wave tomography.
  • Developing advanced tomographic technique to combine different kinds of seismological observations, such as surface waveforms, receiver functions, and body wave travel-times, etc..
  • Seismic imaging of shallow crustal structures by passive seismic tomography of micro-earthquakes.
  • Regional stress field of active faults from focal mechanisms determination of micro-earthquakes.
  • American Geophysical Union (AGU)
  • Chinese Geophysical Society
  • Seismological Society of China
  • Rodríguez Kacevas, M., Assumpção, M., Sánchez Bettucci, L., An, M. & Feng, Mei, 2024. Crustal thicknesses in Uruguay from joint inversion of receiver functions and surface wave dispersion. J. South Am. Earth Sci., 146, 105062. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2024.105062 [Full text]

  • Mei Feng, Meijian An, Hulin Zang, Marcelo S. Assumpção, Marcelo B. Bianchi, George S. França, Marcelo P. Rocha, Leda Sánchez Bettucci, Carlos A. Chaves, 2024, Dynamic evolution of West Gondwana inferred from crustal anisotropy of the South American platform. Geophys. J. Int., 239(1), 201–217, doi:10.1093/gji/ggae267. [Full text](Open Access) [PDF]

  • Meijian An, Mei Feng, Marcelo S. Assumpção, Marcelo B. Bianchi, George S. França, Marcelo P. Rocha, Leda Sánchez Bettucci, 2024, Influence of upwelling mantle magmas on cratonic crust implied from Vp/Vs beneath South America platform. Geophys. J. Int., 239(1), 258–275, doi:10.1093/gji/ggae260. [Full text](Open Access) [PDF]

  • Mei Feng, Meijian An, Hesheng Hou, Taoyuan Fan, Hulin Zang, 2023, Channelised magma ascent and lithospheric zonation beneath the Songliao Basin, Northeast China, based on surface-wave tomography. Tectonophysics, 862, 229969, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2023.229969. [Full text] [PDF]

  • 臧虎临,冯梅*, 安美建, 2023, 利用多种横波分裂分析方法评估确定各向异性参数. 地球物理学报, 66(8): 3258-3272, doi:10.6038/cjg2022Q0363.

  • 冯梅, 安美建, 侯贺晟, 范桃园, 臧虎临, 2023, 索伦-西拉木伦缝合带中段及周边区域面波层析成像. CT理论与应用研究, 32(1), 1-14. doi:10.15953/j.ctta.2022.061. [Full Text] [PDF]

  • Yueqiao Zhang, Shuwen Dong, Haiyan Wang, Mei Feng, H. Thybo, Jianhua Li, Rui Gao, Wei Shi, 2022, Coupled Lithospheric Deformation in the Qinling Orogen, Central China: Insights From Seismic Reflection and Surface-Wave Tomography. Geophys. Res. Lett., 49(14), e2022GL097760. doi:10.1029/2022GL097760. [Full Text]

  • 臧虎临,侯贺晟,安美建,冯梅*, 2022, 海域天然地震资料采集方法综述. 地球物理学进展, 37(5), 2218-2224. doi:10.6038/pg2022FF0572. [Full Text]

  • Feng Mei, Qian Hui, James Mechie, An Meijian, Li Haibing, Xue Guangqi, Su Heping, Cui Xiang, 2021, Crustal seismogenic structures and deformation styles along the Longmen Shan Fault belt in the eastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from ambient noise tomography. Tectonophysics, 798, 228689. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228689. [Full Text] [PDF]

  • Feng Mei, An Meijian, James Mechie, Zhao Wenjin, Xue Guangqi, Su Heping, 2020, Lithospheric structures of and tectonic implications for the central-east Tibetan plateau inferred from joint tomography of receiver functions and surface waves. Geophys. J. Int., 223 (3), 1688–1707. doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa403. [Full Text] [PDF]

  • 冯梅, 安美建, 2020, 基于面波频散的三维横波速度方位各向异性层析成像方法. CT理论与应用研究, 29(4), 381-397. doi:10.15953/j.1004-4140.2020.29.04.01. [Full Text] [PDF]

  • 冯梅, 安美建, 吴中海, 谭成轩, 2019, 重庆地区地震震源机制解及动力环境分析. 地球学报, 40(2), 319-328. [Full Text] [PDF]
    Feng Mei,An Meijian, 2018, How far does the Growth of Eastern Tibetan Plateau influence on South China?(Abstract# T21A-07). AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec. [PPT].

  • Feng Mei, An Meijian, Dong Shuwen, 2017, Tectonic history of the Ordos Block and Qinling Orogen inferred from crustal thickness. Geophys. J. Int., 210 (1): 303-320. doi:10.1093/gji/ggx163. [PDF].

  • Ramos C., Mechie J. and Feng Mei, 2016, Shear wave velocity and Poisson's ratio models across the southern Chile convergent margin at 38°15′S. Geophys. J. Int., 204(3): 1620-1635. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv541.

  • An Meijian, Douglas Wiens, Zhao Yue, Feng Mei, Andrew A. Nyblade, Masaki Kanao, Li Yuansheng, Alessia Maggi, Jean-Jacques Lévêque, 2015, Temperature, lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary, and heat flux beneath the Antarctic Plate inferred from seismic velocities. J. Geophys. Res., 120(12), 8720–8742. doi:10.1002/2015JB011917.

  • An Meijian, Douglas Wiens, Zhao Yue, Feng Mei, Andrew A. Nyblade, Masaki Kanao, Li Yuansheng, Alessia Maggi, Jean-Jacques Lévêque, 2015, S-velocity Model and Inferred Moho Topography beneath the Antarctic Plate from Rayleigh Waves. J. Geophys. Res., 120(1), 359–383. doi:10.1002/2014JB011332.

  • 赵荣涛, 安美建, 冯梅, 张士安, 张纪中, 侯春堂, 2015, 利用余震震中分析芦山Ms7.0地震发震构造. 地震学报, 37(2), 205-217.[Full text]

  • Mei Feng, Kumar P., Mechie J., Zhao Wenjin, Kind R., Su Heping, Xue Gangqi, Shi Danian, Qian Hhui, 2014, Structure of the crust and mantle down to 700 km depth beneath the East Qaidam basin and Qilian Shan from P and S receiver functions. Geophys. J. Int., 199, 1416-1429, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu335.

  • 李爽, 冯梅, 安美建, 董树文, 2014, 秦岭及周边地区瑞雷波方位各向异性. 地震学报, 36(4), 531-545, doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-3782.2014.04.001.

  • 冯梅,安美建,安春雷,史贵涛,赵越,李院生,Douglas Wiens,2014,南极中山站-昆仑站间地壳厚度分布极地研究,26(2), 177-185.

  • 冯梅,赵文津,薛光琦,宿和平,James Mechie,安美建,2014,柴达木盆地东缘和祁连造山带中段地震面波层析成像国际地震动态,421,1-9.

  • Marcelo Assumpcao, Mei Feng, Andrés Tassara, Jordi Julià, 2013, Models of crustal thickness for South America from seismic refraction, receiver functions and surface wave tomography. Tectonophysics, 609, 82-96.

  • 冯梅, 安美建,2013,反演模型分辨率的估算方法. CT理论与应用研究,22(4),587-604.

  • 冯梅,李会军,安美建,王宗秀,王小凤,2013,西乌鲁木齐地区上地壳波速结构及其构造解析. 地震,33(4),19-31.

  • 冯梅,张纪中,安美建,2013,2008年汶川地震前后震源区构造应力场变化. 地震地质,35(4),701-720.

  • Mei Feng, Meijian An, Wenjin Zhao, Guangqi Xue, James Mechie, Yue Zhao, 2011, Lithosphere structures of northeast Tibetan Plateau and their geodynamic implications. J. Geodynamics, 52, 432-442.

  • Mei Feng, Suzan van der Lee, Meijian An, Yue Zhao, 2010, Lithospheric thickness, thinning, subduction, and interaction with the asthenosphere beneath China from the joint inversion of seismic S-wave train fits and Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves. Lithos, 120, 116-130.

  • Mei Feng, Meijian An, 2010, Lithospheric structure of the Chinese mainland determined from joint inversion of regional and teleseismic Rayleigh-wave group velocities. J. Geophys. Res., 115, B06317, doi:10.1029/2008JB005787.

  • Meijian An, Mei Feng, Changxing Long, 2010. Deep ruptures around the hypocenter of the 12 May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake deduced from aftershock observations. Tectonophysics, 491(1-4): 96-104. DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2009.12.024.

  • Simon Lloyd, Suzan van der Lee, George Sand França, Marcelo Assumpção, Mei Feng, 2010. Moho map of South America from receiver functions and surface waves. J. Geophys. Res., 115: B11315. DOI:10.1029/2009JB006829.

  • Meijian An, Mei Feng, Yue Zhao, 2009, Destruction of Lithosphere within the North China Craton Inferred from Surface Wave Tomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G-cubed), 10(8): Q08016, doi:10.1029/2009GC002562.

  • Mei Feng, Meijian An, Lin Zhao, Jizhong Zhang, 2009, Depth and region dependence of b-value for micro-aftershocks of the May 12th, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its tectonic implications. Earthquake Science, 22(6), 589-594.

  • Meijian An,Mei Feng, Dong Shuwen, Long Changxing, Zhao Yue, Yang Nong, Zhao Wenjin, Zhang Jizhong, 2009, Seismogenic structure around the epicenter of the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake from micro-seismic tomography. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 83(4): 724-732.

  • Mei Feng, Suzan van der Lee, Meijian An, 2008, Region-related features of crustal and upper-mantle velocity structure of the Chinese mainland detected by surface waveform modeling. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 21(2), 118-126.
    冯梅,Van der Lee S., 安美建,2008,利用面波波形模拟探测中国大陆地壳和上地幔波速结构的分区特征,地震学报,30(2),114-122。

  • Mei Feng, Meijian An, 2007, Middle and upper crust shear-wave velocity structure of the Chinese mainland. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 20(4), 359-369.
    冯梅和安美建,2007,中国大陆上地壳三维剪切波波速结构。地震学报,29(4), 337-347。

  • Mei Feng, Suzan van der Lee, Marcelo Assumpção, 2007, Upper mantle structure of South America from joint inversion of waveforms and fundamental-mode group velocities of Rayleigh waves. J. Geophys. Res. 112, B04312, doi:10.1029/2006JB004449.

  • Mei Feng, Meijian An, Xiaofeng Wang, et al., 2007, Micro-earthquakes in the Shizigou oilfield, Qinghai, and their geological significances (in Chinese with English abstract). J. Geomechanics, 13(2), 173-178.
    冯梅,安美建,王小凤,马寅生,蒋荣宝,李丽,2007,青海狮子沟油田天然微地震活动及其地质意义,地质力学学报,13(2), 173-178.

  • Mei Feng, Marcelo Assumpção, Suzan van der Lee, 2004, Group-velocity tomography and lithospheric S-velocity structure of the South American continent. Phys. Earth Planet. Ints., 147, 315-331.

  • Xiaofeng Wang, Mei Feng, et al., 2006, Application of the passive seismic tomographic method to deep tectonics study in oil field (in Chinese with English abstract) . Geological Bulletin of China, 25(9-10),1028-1031.

  • Meijian An, Mei Feng, Lin Zhao, 2009, Uncertainties in seismic tomography (in Chinese with English abstract). CT Theory and Applications, 18(2), 24-32.
    安美建, Mei Feng, 赵琳, 2009, 地震层析成像中的不确定性. CT理论与应用研究, 18(2), 24-32.

Last updated on June 15, 2021