Crust/Lithosphere model of Central-East Tibetan Plateau


1. S-velocity 3D model of the Central–East Tibetan Plateau

Using P-receiver functions and Rayleigh wave fundamental-mode dispersion curves retrieved from earthquake waveforms and from ambient noise, a 3-D lithospheric S-velocity model for the Central–East Tibetan Plateau was directly inverted using a single-step joint inversion from surface waves and receiver functions developed by Feng et al. [2020]. The model is called CETP2020.
联合使用P波接收函数波形和从地震事件和噪音格林函数提取的基阶面波频散原始观测,直接反演得到了青藏高原三维剪切波速结构[Feng et al., 2020]。该波速结构模型简称为CETP2020。

3D S velocties, CETP2020-S, can be downloaded at / 三维剪切波速结构(CETP2020-S)可在此下载:
  • Compressed xyzv (lon, lat, depth, Vs) file/经、纬、深度、波速的xyzv压缩文件: [download].
    Each position (x/lon, y/lat) is the center of a cell. This file is the same as Table S2 in Feng et al. [2020].
  • Compressed netCDF grid files: [download].
    After uncompress it by run "tar -zxvf CETP2020-S_depth_grd.tar.gz", you can get 51 grid file. The name of the files are in a format: "CETP2020-S_hslice_${depth}.grd". If you need ascii files, you can convert them by grd2xyz (a command in Generic Mapping Tools) or other tools.

The model is paramterized into 63 layers; each layer is with a constant velocity. A depth (z) in the files is the depth of top boundary of a layer. Representative horizontal slices and vertical transects are shown in Figure 1. They are the same as Figure 9 of Feng et al. [2020]. The model CETP2020-S is introduced in detail in Feng et al. [2020].

Figure 1. S-velocity maps at depths of (a) 45 km, (b) 100 km, (c) 150 km, (d) 200 km, and (e-h) five transects. The figure is the same as Figure 9 of Feng et al. [2020]. Download PDF.

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2. Crustal thicknesses / Moho depths of Central-East Titbetan Plateau

A Moho depth map of CETP2020-CRUST [Feng et al., 2020] estimated from the model of CETP2020-S is shown in Figure 2 which is the same as Figure 8 in Feng et al. [2020]. It is noted that all depths and thicknesses referred to here are the distance from the solid surface. The netCDF grid, which can be used by Generic Mapping Tools, can be downloaded at:
  • Compressed xyz (lon, lat, depth) / 经、纬、深度的xyz压缩文件: [download].
    Each position (x/lon, y/lat) is the center of a cell. This file is the same as Table S1 in Feng et al. [2020].
  • Compressed netCDF grid file on CETP2020-CRUST: [download].
    After uncompress it by run "tar -zxvf CETP2020-CRUST_grd.tar.gz", you can get a file of CETP2020-CRUST.grd. If you need ascii files, you can convert it by grd2xyz.

Figure 2. Crustal thickness (distance from solid (ice and rock) top to Moho discontinuity) map of the Central-East Tibetan Plateau [Feng et al., 2020]. Download PDF.

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3. Indian and Asian subduction slab margins beneath Central-East Titbetan Plateau

Margins of Indian and Asian subduction slab beneath CETP was retrieved from CETP2020-S [Feng et al., 2020]. The margins are shown in Figure 3 which are the same as Figure 10a in Feng et al. [2020]. A zipped file with the points along the margins can be downloaded at [download].

Figure 3. Margins of Indian (thick blue lines) and Asian (thick green lines/dashes) subduction slabs beneath Central-East Titbetan Plateau [Feng et al., 2020]. Download PDF.

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References / 参考文献

Feng Mei, An Meijian, James Mechie, Zhao Wenjin, Xue Guangqi, Su Heping, 2020, Lithospheric structures of and tectonic implications for the central-east Tibetan plateau inferred from joint tomography of receiver functions and surface waves. Geophys. J. Int., 223 (3), 1688–1707, doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa403. [Full text] [PDF]